Tuesday, October 18, 2011

WARNING: Mind Explosion Incoming

New illustration up. This is the first one I combined drawing with live paint groups. I also used texture, filters, and opacity effects to achieve the background I wanted to portray. Complexity is my best friend.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New direction...

I love graphic design in all it's entirety, but one thing I have not accomplished is a solid use of fine art in my design. In the coming weeks I will delve more into digital illustration. I feel I am weak in this area, so I will continue to show more content. For now I leave you with this clever design. Obviously I am making fun of designers everywhere when I say this...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Didot. Di-dot. D-Dough. D... Doh!!!

Today's assignment I had to create a T shirt that resembled a modern typeface. The goal of this was to make it resemble the people who created it. So I began to tell the story of the Didot family who would ultimately be the driving force in type as we know it today. I thought what better way to show you the typeface and create a shirt that other experienced designers would get a kick out of. So here's the shirt.