Friday, November 4, 2011

Gnarwhals... AHOY MATEY!

Alas, my friends, the Gnarwhals have come out to play over yonder. This weeks project is based on some of my friends band. Their band is named Static Society and they are obsessed with Gnarwhals for some odd reason. So I decided to follow in the fashion of the I am Design project and do a little drawing and digital illustration. I cannot stress enough how much fun this was. I used multiple textures, angled gradients, live trace/paint, opacity/transparency settings, filters, etc. Am I missing something??? Yeah, still haven't explored the digital painting aspect of it, because I need to buy a WACOM tablet. :(
Anyways, enjoy.

Also, some ideas from my next project where I will create my own font. I'm really excited about this one. The idea comes from a very familiar source of light. You might be a foot away from one right now...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

WARNING: Mind Explosion Incoming

New illustration up. This is the first one I combined drawing with live paint groups. I also used texture, filters, and opacity effects to achieve the background I wanted to portray. Complexity is my best friend.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New direction...

I love graphic design in all it's entirety, but one thing I have not accomplished is a solid use of fine art in my design. In the coming weeks I will delve more into digital illustration. I feel I am weak in this area, so I will continue to show more content. For now I leave you with this clever design. Obviously I am making fun of designers everywhere when I say this...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Didot. Di-dot. D-Dough. D... Doh!!!

Today's assignment I had to create a T shirt that resembled a modern typeface. The goal of this was to make it resemble the people who created it. So I began to tell the story of the Didot family who would ultimately be the driving force in type as we know it today. I thought what better way to show you the typeface and create a shirt that other experienced designers would get a kick out of. So here's the shirt.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

IT'S NOT FACISM! Marx would have been proud.

Finished my type project with a broad spectrum of words I used.
I had fun and I believe the type speaks for itself...

New iREWL logo up, thought this one looked more classy. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Communication Through Type Mutilation

Today I started a project in my typography class. The project is an exploration of one word without using any sort of illustration. I tried to shy away from illustrious fonts so it wouldn't defeat the purpose. Here are some early ideas.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

ÜBER WENCH 3000. Hyper Realistic Digital Animation.

This was a portrait I worked on for a friend. I used a realistic skin tone, but went for more of a comic book feel with the intense blacks. I spent about 18 hours give or take before I gave up on the project, because it was an absolute wench. Anyhow, as you can notice I used the Kuler™application for skin and hair hues. I used the pen tool for most or the skin and hair. I wouldn't recommend using the pen tool for hair detail on a project. It added at least 2-3+ hours of editing to get it right. I used the pencil and paint brush tools for the shirt and background.

Overall, the project was a lot of fun. Especially because I used a high dpi mouse for this one instead of the WACOM pad. I think that if it became any more realistic it might lose the power of its imagery. The high detail/ high contrast is the stylized look I was going for. The hue matching was spot on thanks to 8 different brush libraries gathered by Kuler™.

Well, that's all for now, check back tomorrow for another illustration/ design.